Chronic prostatitis: symptoms and effective treatment

Abdominal pain in chronic prostatitis

Chronic prostatitis - the scourge of modern men, or a disease they do not want to pay attention to?

According to statistics, this is the most common disease of the male reproductive system, occurring equally in both young and old men.

The insidiousness of chronic prostatitis is that in most cases the disease is almost asymptomatic.

A little anatomy . . .

The prostate gland is a male gland with a volume of 20 - 30 ml, which acts as a barrier against the penetration of inflammatory diseases into the organs of the genital system, due to the production of substances. Antimicrobial. A small valve prevents sperm from entering the bladder, and it also produces a fluid that ensures high sperm mobility.

Definition of prostatitis

Prostatitis is nothing but prostatitis. It increases in size and, over time, due to ongoing inflammation, scar tissue forms. What can cause inflammation, consider below, now another question . . .

How to know what disease?

Each site is unique and the presenting signs of the disease can vary, but long-term observation of patients with chronic prostatitis has allowed physicians to identify the most common symptoms: pain in the abdomen. groin, immediately after ejaculation; frequent urination, accompanied by pain, heaviness in the lower abdomen, pleasure is not expressed, erased.

Why is this happening?

The prostate gland is inflamed and any contractions cause discomfort. This whole picture is complemented by: rapid fatigue, disturbed sleep and, as a result, irritability.

Why do I have?


Analyze your life, perhaps it has happened, or is it like this:

  • Sexually transmitted infections: chlamydia, trichomoniasis. Or pathogens: Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli.
  • Perhaps you are an office worker and lead a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Or your life is a constant stress.
  • Sex life is irregular, or completely absent (leading to stagnant processes in the prostate).
  • Acute chronic diseases reduce immunity.
  • Power supply error. Many experts agree that malnutrition is also an indirect cause of chronic prostatitis.
  • Bad habits: alcohol and smoking.
Junk food causes chronic prostatitis

For what?

If you experience any of the above symptoms, consult your doctor. There are no cases of not self-medicating, following the miraculous tips described on the Internet.


Before choosing a urologist, look at the reviews of the people he has helped, not his attitude. Read on forums the advice of people being treated, related to a particular clinic.

Treatment of chronic prostatitis

First, your doctor will review your medical history. It is very important here, not to hide the details, is to describe what happened to you when the first symptoms of the disease appeared.

In addition, in order to correctly diagnose and determine the type of prostate disease your doctor will prescribe a comprehensive examination.

There are four types of prostatitis:

  1. Bacterial - very rare, can be treated acutely.
  2. Bacterial inflammation with an infectious pathogen.
  3. Bacteria without causing inflammation.
  4. Asymptomatic - no symptoms.

The doctor will order a comprehensive examination. This includes blood and urine tests, various smears, a palpable examination by a doctor to determine the size of the prostate gland, and an ultrasound examination.

Going to the doctor for chronic prostatitis

Based on your body characteristics and research results, your doctor will prescribe an effective treatment for chronic prostatitis.

The road is long and here it is important to understand that success in treatment depends not only on medications and prescribed procedures. Success largely depends on your lifestyle.

Are you ready to change your life? Regular exercise, running, walking for elderly men. Be sure to sleep. Healthy food. Avoid tobacco and alcohol.

Modern technology in the treatment of chronic prostatitis

In the yard of the twenty-first century and medicine does not stand still. There are new drugs, as well as new painless hardware treatments, that have been proven effective in clinical trials.

Among the hardware treatments, laser therapy is now popular. Directly acting on the inflamed tissue, the laser restores blood circulation, gradually eliminating scar tissue.

There are practically no side effects found, but there are a number of contraindications, such as: heart disease, epilepsy, diabetes and a number of others.

Television therapy has also been shown to be effective. The bipolar source directs thermal energy to the affected area, allowing for the selective heating and destruction of only rapidly growing gland cells, while the surrounding tissues are left undamaged.

The goal of treatment is to reduce inflammation and clear the prostate infection.

Advantages: no pain, no anesthesia, one procedure. Side effects were not observed.

Another painless treatment for chronic prostatitis is ultrasound. Gives a positive impetus in the work of the gland, reduces scar tissue, promotes tissue regeneration.

But, we must remember: to get a good effect in the treatment, you need to alternate the medication and the hardware treatment. Positive dynamics are also observed with the alternation of several hardware courses for the treatment of prostatitis.

Panacea or cheat?

Nowadays, the Internet is full of miracle drugs and miracle devices for the treatment of chronic prostatitis.

Do not believe in advertising, and even more so, self-medication.

question about the possibility of treating chronic prostatitis

At best, this will cost you money, at worst it will delay your recovery, or even make it impossible for you to do so.

Is full recovery possible?

There is no clear answer here. . .

Some doctors promise a complete cure, others say it can only improve quality of life.

It all depends on you, at the first signs you notice - do not pull, go through the research.

Even if nothing bothers you, doctors recommend a full checkup once a year.

Active lifestyle in chronic prostatitis

If a diagnosis is made, remember - this is not a sentence. And a positive outcome in treatment is entirely possible if you yourself desire it, follow your doctor's instructions and lead a right lifestyle.